We are located in Plano, TX and live stream our Bible Studies and Sunday Services. We would love for you to become a part of our church by joining us!
Please prayerfully consider becoming a “Ministry Member” of The Prophecy Club and Spirit of Prophecy Church, we want YOU to be a part of it. The vision is not a “Church” and “Radio” vision. Not “di -vision” but “one-vision” together.
The Spirit of Prophecy Church is a place for the Sheep to meet to be fed and taught to follow THE MASTER JESUS. It is a place for training and equipping the saints to walk in the ministry. The Prophecy Club is where we study and research Bible Prophecy as a platform ministry to spread the teaching worldwide.
Together as one-vision we can accomplish the highest prize, winning thousands of souls!
The Prophecy Club and Spirit of Prophecy church is in need of a new home and we need a place of our own to host future Meetings and Crusades. Building Forward is dedicated towards fundraising. Please email us, ideas are welcome.